Do I need to be certified to apply pesticides?
Yes. The NYS law states that you are required to be certified if you use any pesticide as part of your lawn and shrub care business. Anyone found to violate this law can be fined up to $5,000.00 per violation. (read more)
7A - Structural and Rodent Pest Control
7A - 30 Hour
Training Course for Structural and Rodent Pest Control
This course is approved by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and requires anyone supervising or applying pesticides within or associated with structures to control pests, such as but not limed to:
Stinging/biting insects
No Classes at this time if your company is looking for this class please call me 516-263-7280
The Details
30 Hour - 7A
Pesticide Training Course
Language: English
Direct any questions to
Arnie Linzer
8 - Public Health
Category 8
-Public Health - Check back soon - No Classes at this time
This course is approved by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and requires the Category 8 Certification for State, federal or other governmental personnel, their contractors and other commercial applicators using or supervising the use of pesticides in public health programs for the management and control of pests.
The Details
Category 8 - Public Health
No Classes at this time
Direct any questions to
Arnie Linzer
Check back often - Categories, credits, and dates are updated/added frequently